Note: The contents of this blog are fictional. They in no way represent any real news or events. It represents of the use of a computer simulation game called Hollywood Mogul 3. The blog is purely for entertainment purposes.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's been awhile. The past couple months I've become a busy person, but I have decided to take a moment to give a quick update on things:

- I haven't written anything new for a while now. I have one original story that I haven't submitted yet, and then I have an entire series of 'Splinter Cell' movies written up (making a total of five).

- Two projects I really need to get working on are a sequel to 'Green Arrow: Year One' and a sequel to 'Tarzan' since both did pretty well at the box office. Thankfully the holidays are coming up which should loosen up my schedule a little bit and give me little time to write up those two important projects along with finishing up the third film in 'The Question' series (which has a middle and ending, but no beginning right now).

- 'Survivor' is about to come out, which I find incredibly exciting as I am a huge fan of Chuck Palahniuk's novel. The project has had something of a troubled history within Hollywood with Francis Lawrence set to direct at one point, but ultimately the events of 9/11 scared away studios from the content (which includes a plane hijacking) and continue to do so to this day. However, in CMP the project has been smooth-sailing, and should easily bring Ryan Gosling another Best Actor nomination for his duel role as Tender and Adam Branson. I am also happy that Mark Pellington is making his CMP debut with the project. He made what I feel is one of the great under-appreciated thrillers in 'Arlington Road' and I think that he's perfect for the material.

- I have another horror remake coming out. But don't worry, 'Suspiria' is much more in the vain of 'Midnight' than 'Prince of Darkness.' Blake Lively is making her CMP debut with the project (which as usual for one of my movies will also see the debut of a few more actors). She brings an audience and she was great in Ben Affleck's 'The Town', but ultimately what put her over the edge and got her the role is that she was almost cast in 'Black Swan' in the role filled by Mila Kunis. To play it safe I originally planned on teaming her up with a young actress who is quite a big name within CMP, but she ended up turning the project down so another young British actress will make her debut instead.

- As for the blog. Don't expect weekly or twice a week updates like I had been doing. I will try to post something at least every other week though, but don't hold your breath.