Note: The contents of this blog are fictional. They in no way represent any real news or events. It represents of the use of a computer simulation game called Hollywood Mogul 3. The blog is purely for entertainment purposes.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

'The Question' is here, and I couldn't be more excited. 'The Question' has long been one of my favorite comic characters. I am really hoping it does well, as I have a already written a sequel. I believe that the sequel (which does not yet have a title) is probably the best thing I've written. It escalates everything to a breaking point, much like 'The Dark Knight.'

'The Goonies 2' is coming out soon. I'm not really as invested as the other people involved as I have never been a fan of 'The Goonies.' As a standalone film, I think that '2' should turn out to be a fine film for the family to see together as there's enough action to appeal to both kids, and adults who enjoyed the original will get a kick out of it.

For once Bob Felton didn't publish inaccurate information regarding a movie of mine (aside from a misspelling of Taylor Kitsch's last name).

My 'Tarzan' leading man has been announced. Taylor Kitsch will play Tarzan in my upcoming movie. I've been a fan of him since the first season of 'Friday Night Lights,' and now he's on the verge of super-stardom what with two huge films coming out next summer (Battleship, John Carter of Mars), with him playing the main character in both. Anyways, I felt he was the perfect actor to bring my Tarzan to life. Below is a teaser poster I constructed a while back. I'm not sure when exactly the movie will go into active production.

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