Note: The contents of this blog are fictional. They in no way represent any real news or events. It represents of the use of a computer simulation game called Hollywood Mogul 3. The blog is purely for entertainment purposes.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I really thought that 'The Question: Dark Tomorrow' was going to make more than $100 million at the box office. Oh well, it did a little better in theaters than the first and it's still a profitable series. Maybe the third will do slightly better. As long as there is forward momentum in the box office results I'll be happy. I as kind of hoping that it would pull a 'Dark Knight' and make a shit load. 'The Dark Knight' grossed about three times as much as 'Batman Begins' did, so I was hoping for something like that. But it didn't happen.

I also must agree with the critics about one thing. 'Dark Tomorrow' definitely lacked the great villain that the first had with Ray Winstone's Reverend Hatch. I just couldn't come up with an villain that would be as interesting as Hatch so I went a different route and made the city (Hub City) the real villain. This will continue into the third movie which will deal with the aftermath of the second. The city is in shambles both figuratively and literally. I want to explore what Myra does now that she's become Mayor of the cesspool that is Hub City. In the third we'll see the gangs take over the city following the tornado. Can The Question save Hub City, or will he choose to save himself? That's what will be explored in the third movie.

Will there be a fourth Question movie? I'm not sure yet. I don't have a clear idea for one at this point. A lot depends on the box office results of the third. If it manages to do as well or better than 'Dark Tomorrow,' then probably. If not, I don't know. I have designed the third movie so that it could serve as the end of the series just in case. But before I can really even think about a fourth Question movie I really have got to turn my focus onto other series and finally finish writing sequels to 'Tarzan' and 'Green Arrow: Year One'. That's my priority right now.

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