Note: The contents of this blog are fictional. They in no way represent any real news or events. It represents of the use of a computer simulation game called Hollywood Mogul 3. The blog is purely for entertainment purposes.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A couple more casting announcements for 'Green Arrow: Year One.' Paddy Considine has been cast as Oliver Queen's right-hand man turned enemy Hackett and Sanaa Lathan has been cast as drug lord China White. The character of China White, I believe was written as Asian, but I felt might be a little more compelling and add an extra layer to the character if she looked more like the locals of the area. I don't delve into her backstory in the movie, but I like to think that she was born on the island and eventually took it over and enslaved her own people.

There is just one role left to be announced, Taiana, the native who saves Oliver Queen's life.

Also, if you want to have some input on the potential sequel, I am asking everyone which villains they would like to see in a potential sequel. Here's the link to vote: .

Bob Felton sure doesn't seem to like 'The Question' (which recently became the first superhero movie to be nominated for Best Picture at the Golden Moon Awards). This is the second week in a row that he went out of his way to put the movie down. I feel like pulling an Uwe Boll and challenging him to a fight.

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