Note: The contents of this blog are fictional. They in no way represent any real news or events. It represents of the use of a computer simulation game called Hollywood Mogul 3. The blog is purely for entertainment purposes.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Turns out I was wrong about 'Tarzan' being my next movie. That position is instead held by 'Green Arrow: Year One.' Which, of course, is an adaptation of the amazing limited series depicting Oliver Queen stranded on a desert island where he learns how to be a hero. Christopher Nolan is taking the time out of his ever busy schedule to guide the project along as producer while Wayne Kramer (The Cooler, Running Scared, Crossing Over) directs. Garrett Hedlund will play the lead role of Oliver Queen. It was also mentioned that he'll be appearing in some other movies this season, one of which may be for me again. I obviously can't give away which one, as things are not yet set in stone, I will however tell you that it is a project that has been mentioned by both me and Bob Felton before (perhaps back in May).

If things go well with 'Green Arrow' I would be open to making a sequel. Of course, the hope with every superhero property is that it'll become a franchise. But unlike with 'The Question' where I already had a sequel written by the time it was released, I have even thought about ideas for a second Green Arrow movie.

One more thing. I've got to say, I didn't really appreciate Bob Felton subtly criticizing 'The Question.' It's become something of a groundbreaking movie, being the first superhero movie to be nominated for Best Picture. It might open up doors for more genre films to be considered for the prize. But I sure am glad he's happy it didn't win. Dick.

Other actors considered for the role of Oliver Queen: Armie Hammer, Taylor Kitsch, Charlie Hunnam, Alexander Skarsgard, Bradley Cooper, and Ryan Gosling. Robert Schwentke and Peter Berg were considered to direct.

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